Hi, I’m Mare

Remember that pandemic, the one we are still slowly pulling away from? When that started I was doing brisk business as a pro Cuddlist and things ground quickly to a halt. In that time of solitude for me I got to know myself a little better, after many trials and tribulations in life I was emerging as my own personal powerhouse of knowledge and experience and I wanted to take what I have learned to my clients. I took courses to become a certified life coach during that year and emerged feeling like I have something to offer those who are drifting, feeling unmoored, and wondering how to start.
The thing is, no one can do the work for you, I’m not going to nor would I try. This is your life and you have to take it by the b@lls and make it your bitch. I’m going to be watching you, encouraging you, holding you accountable, and helping you to find your inner compass that is going to take you where you want to go.

cuddle therapy

I believe in touch! And human kindness. In 2017 I became interested in platonic touch and hugging people for a living after years of seeing folks so lonely and touch starved that they were depressed or acting out in ways that were unhealthy. What I mean by that is I sometimes see people using hook-up culture as a way to get basic touch needs met when what they really want is sustained, deliberate attention to the soft touch on skin and a warm embrace like a parent or loved friend would give, but not necessarily a sexual encounter. If you have ever been disappointed that you that went through with a one night stand only to find that the person would not cuddle with you afterward, you probably weren’t in for the sex. And why should you have to settle for something you don’t want?

We don’t do that here. Here all touch needs are met inside a safe container as long as both parties agree to each other’s boundaries and are respected.

I’m sure you have cuddled with someone before but have you been cuddled? In exactly the way you say and with all your favorites? I know that I have paid to have my hair cut and washed because I wanted someone to play with my hair and massage my head, I wish I knew about professional cuddling when that was happening. That’s what I mean by receiving the cuddle and therapeutic touch experience that you crave and is catered just for your enjoyment. To be clear, all touch is platonic, no touch is required but consent by both parties is, and we can incorporate other healing modalities if that suits you. I accept all people in all bodies with all levels of ability, age, gender, and ethnicity.

Expertise & certifications

I’m a Certified Intuitive Life Coach, Cuddlist Certified Touch Practitioner, and Certified Reiki Practitioner with professional expertise and training in a variety of related modalities. Included are Shamanic PTSD Trauma Training, Bereavement Doula, Lightworker, Energy Healer, Trained Consent Expert, Intuitive and Active Listener, Remothering Practitioner, and Non-Denominational Clergy.


I’d love to help you find your path. Let’s work together on discovering your light.